My name is Ras Kassa Ramsey and this is my third year with Project HIP-HOP. I have learned many things working with PHH; from my past history to why we are still suffering as the “black race” today. This summer is my first opportunity to travel with PHH on a down south civil rights tour. Traveling through many different states and talking to different people that were involved in the civil right movement has been a very positive experience for me.
This morning I was really stuck by our visit our Harpers Ferry, West Virginia. Learning about John Brown was very interesting to me. He was a white man that led 21 Black and white people trying to free enslaved people. Even though he was white and could have lived his life in peace, he risked everything to save blacks. I got to visit the very place he tried to invade. Everything looked very old school, and there were people that was reenacting the very moment. The museum was also helpful to understand what happened in those thirty-six hours before John Brown was caught and killed.
This really impacted me because this place still exists today, and I walked through the same trails that he did. I stood in the place where they were cornered and captured. This shows me that anyone, black or white, can be capable of being good or bad. People know what is good and what is bad. John Brown knew having slaves was not right, so he lost his life trying to save my people.
I am looking forward to see what art work you produce from this trip, so we can all continue to be inspired.
Thank you to all the Project Hip Hopers for sharing your trip.
Ruby from The City School
Thank-you for sharing your heartfelt thoughts. Continue to enjoy & embrace all that you experience as you journey forward on the PHH Civil Rights Tour. PEACE ! :o)
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